Monday 8 April 2013

Iona Hilleary - 2001 Graduate

Iona has been designing gardens since 2001 and has worked all over the UK, from her Aberdeenshire homeland to the far south of England.
She was originally introduced to landscape design on a visit to Australia in 1988. A landscape architecture firm in Sydney, which shared offices with Saatchi and Saatchi, offered her work before starting university. Even now the overpowering smell of ammonia takes her back to that office in The Rocks where the plotting machines would spit out vast plans in sepia of corporate and civic sites. This was followed by studies in French and Russian at Bristol leading to journeys to the Russian Caucasus and Central Asia, and time spent in the Pyrenees. After her degree she revisited Australia for a year where she designed and made clothes for private clients.

Returning to the UK in 1993, Iona joined the City where she spent seven years as an investment banker. However, searching for more creative stimulus, she called time on that career and totally absorbed herself for two years re-training in landscape design.
Iona has always loved to travel; the untamed places, the wilderness, and the rhythms of landscape seen in both Scotland and Spain - countries in which she has grown up and knows well - have supplied the basis and continuing inspiration of raw form. Adjusting these rhythms to suit imposed design is where Iona has found her home in the context of landscape making.
Have a look at her inspirational website:

Paris Annual Study Tour 2013

Paris Annual Study Tour 2013
The Landscapes and Gardens of Paris Annual Study Tour 2013
03, 04 and 05 June 2013
Inchbald’s annual three-day study tour takes place in Paris and is open to the public and Inchbald students both current and past. This exploration of the landscapes and gardens of Paris is an ideal introduction to the world of garden design and also an excellent opportunity to gather in-depth design knowledge.
Andrew Duff, Director of Garden Design at Inchbald who has been guiding students around Paris for twelve years, leads the tour. Andrew’s knowledge of the city and the spaces visited allows the students to simply relax and take in the inspirational sites. Student numbers are limited to the ratio 1:8 with groups over 8 benefiting from additional tutor input.
Day 1
11.30 Meet
11.45 Musee du Quai Branly
12.30 Early lunch at above
14.00 Train to Versailles
15.00 Versailles
Dusk Train back to Paris
Day 2
10.00 Parc Citroen
12.30 Jardin Atlantique
13.30 Lunch on the run
14.30 Cimetiere du Montparnasse
15.30 Fondation Cartier pour l’Art Contemporain
16.30 Jardin du Luxembourg
Day 3
11.00 Jardin albert khan
13.30 Lunch on the run
14.30 Parc de Bercy
17.00 End of study trip
The fee for this trip for non Inchbald students is £400 inc. VAT and the price is for the tour only; all attendees are expected to make their own travel and accommodation arrangements and should be aware that they are responsible for their own travel between gardens and food.  Attendees are also advised to take out their own travel insurance, as they feel necessary.
If you wish to attend this trip please contact Sharon Booth, the Garden Faculty Secretary on 0207 730 9011 or via email  Sharon can also provide Inchbald students with the relevant discounted fee information.

The students have come to the end of forth design project of the year.  We asked them to design a public space in London giving each of the students a different site.  Designing a public space is very different to a residential garden, it allows the students to create spaces for multiple users therefore expanding their creative process.

This is a Master Plan for Jubilee Gardens Designed by Tatyana Shynkarenko.  Tatyana looked at the park as part of a larger curves which sits on the River Thames.  'If two sides of the park are extended they intersect a 9 degree segment of a bigger circle.  Imagining the site was a piece of fabric, I have created 'folds' in the land which close together to make a perfect square.'